Thread: FDX-contract improvements next negotiations

FDXLAG , 02-04-2008 10:02 AM
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Quote: Now, I'm really confused....

Didn't I read on this forum that reserve was going senior. Because they can scam the system. Or, is it only the carryover reserve lines that go senior?

And, when you talk about not fixing anything for the "junior folk"...Aren't many of the "junior in their seat" widebody captains actually quite senior "systemwide"? You can(or used to able to) go from a very senior 727 S/O, to a very junior MD11 F/O, in one bid. So, who are the Mustache Mafia not looking out for? You as a senior S/O...Or, you as a junior F/O?

I just don't think this JUNIOR vs. SENIOR, they're out to get us argument, holds water.

I might be able to help out. Some reserve goes very senior, R-24 with C/O. Some goes Junior, RA. But the bottomline is the last guy on the list will be on reserve for quite a while. Especially with Age 60 and the proliferation of O&B lines.

Reserve is better then when we flew Falcons but that does not mean that it can't get better. That also dosen't mean scheduling should play favorites.

But R-24 really does suck, they hose me every month. Don't know why I keep going back!