Thread: What’s there latest?

apex7 , 10-16-2020 08:10 AM
Line Holder
Line Holder
  • Joined APC
    Jun 2019
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You know I really appreciate having a job still and should not be complaining , but unless your single, bidding the top 20% in your seat, or dont care about your QOL, the lines are now complete trash.

We should not be allowed to do 5 or 6 day trips, period. If you bid reserve you don’t even have an option to sit reserve for 3-4 days, 5 or 6 day blocks only. And be prepared to get called every day. I can understand being sent out for 3-4 days, but 6 days , some even 7?! Come on. The people building the lines clearly don’t fly them.

look at line 2086 for November, 7 days out, 1 day home, then 6 days out again. Crazy. Living out of a suitcase for 14 days straight? It’s not fair for junior guys.

I think it will change again when pax flying comes back, but who knows if they are building them like this now they might stay with it. OC Miller told us in ground school before the whole pandemic happened that the day trips were going away. I just did not think it would be this bad.

I came here from a regional because I wanted a better QOL, flying multiple 4 day trips a month was tiring. But seems like things are even worse here now. Again , I should be grateful I have a job and I am , but I really do hope it changes back when things go back to normal.