Thread: WARN notices to MX?

Halon1211 , 11-06-2020 08:01 PM
Gets Weekends Off
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Quote: I couldn’t say it much better than that.

Foolish, foolish, foolish. They have to realize how valuable the established history of not furloughing around here is. To flush the notion of SWA job security down the toilet is pretty reckless when: 1) there are other options available like additional rounds of ExTO and VSP, 2) a likely second round of PSP on its way now that the election is in the rear view mirror, and 3) lots of cash still available.

And let’s not even mention the $5.7B in government loans that GK turned down so that he could continue to pay homage to the almighty Wall St bankers and boost the personal bottom line of hImself and his boardroom buddies.

Oh ya, and Happy Thanksgiving motherf’rs. Nice look right before the holidays. It’s all about the luv.
you are joking right? You are one of those people who hold near and dear that status of Southwest never has furloughed?