Thread: Vaccine Development Summary

CantTaxiToACS , 11-11-2020 06:23 PM
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Herd Immunity
Aren’t we basically on track for herd immunity within 4 years now? The full vaccine distribution will take 1.5 to 2. Averaging 140,000 registered cases a day. And that 10,000,000 total doesn’t even count the people who have had it and had no idea. Or the people that felt odd for a day or so. Only people who tested for it.

What happened to the ten times registered cases WHO estimate? Wouldn’t that be 1/3 the US population so far? I’ve unfortunately fell into too many conspiracies about all this. But honestly, the vaccine has always been “three months away” and Fauci is always giving warnings if we don’t change course etc. “Stay inside, another wave is coming. Surge... surge SURGE!!!” I’m starting to feel like a sheep with all this and I don’t like it.

Is it not interesting to anyone else that every mainstream news source has articles trashing herd immunity?? Maybe its a wrong idea but that’s a little too on the nose. Why do they have such an obvious vendetta against even discussing its feasibility?