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Old 01-11-2021, 05:20 AM
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
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Originally Posted by WickedSmaht View Post
Understood, and rightfully so. My point being that in the article the author notes that the captain in question was partially identified by his campaign contributions to Trump. I opine that should not be a factor for anyone and there is concern that those very records will be used to marginalize (or worse) anyone who gave $25 bucks to Trump and had it recorded on a federally mandated list who's intent is not to compile information for that purpose. We should not be using that information to use as a cudgel in anyone's professional life. Again, this particular case is a different animal and I have no issue with that. This guy seems to be missing a few neurons regardless of who he votes for and that alone should be the determining factor (along with any potential criminal activity or harassment) for any sort of action by his employer. I have no beef with what's happening to him in the macro, just a deep concern for an element of how it was discovered who he was.
Where he screwed up wasn't donating to Trump, it was self-identifying as an Allegiant pilot. He could have put anything down, including "self employed" like most of the others did. But he chose to make a statement out of it, and that runs afoul of the company's media policies. If he gets fired, that's the issue he will be fired for. Not the donation itself, but taking the company with him.

Originally Posted by rickair7777 View Post
They rarely ever do that, but I think it may be possible. Typically not necessary, since they can charge you for anything serious via the civil system, and if it's just minor UCMJ chicken-poop, why bother?

But politics...
Brock was arrested by the FBI today on federal charges.
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