Thread: FedEx v swa

Fr8Master , 01-27-2021 05:06 PM
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Quote: Non FDX guy here, but I enjoyed your post thank you!

I don’t want to over simplify what you’ve said but it sounds like a very reasonable long term approach to what could be a difficult job if you let it (working extra, selling back vacation, and mostly night flying). We’ve all seen what that can do to pilots and it ain’t pretty.

I’m wondering with the power of compounding interest (Einstein said it was the most powerful thing in the universe) and time value of money, do some FDX guys take a shorter term sight picture and make as much as they can with the goal of financial freedom and retiring early, say 60? I’m newer in my airline career and interested in the work life balance, it seems like you took a counter cultural approach and are being rewarded in happiness, thanks!
If you hit 60 and have 20-25 years at the company it is basically like half of a part-time job. You have roughly three months of vacation plus one month of sick time each year....on top of that just proffer or drop any trip you didn’t want to fly. You could very easily fly one out and back a week and do that all year.