Thread: NWA Ratifies TA
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Old 05-05-2006, 05:45 AM
Widow's Son
Line Holder
Joined APC: Jun 2005
Posts: 89

It is an easy job. I've had real jobs and real jobs suck. Real people have to work real hard in the real world to get ahead in any profession. I've done the double digit legs, single digit overnights for chump change in a turboprop and as fun as it was in those days, thank goodness they are over. Now life is some occasional FMC management in-between Sudoku challenges for 15 days or so a month and a nice long vacation every quarter for about 200k a year. The thing to remember, and this is very important, is that as easy as the job appears to be, (it really is!), we are like anethesiologists (the easiest job in medicine), we get paid not for what we do, but for what we are capable of doing should the need arise. In that respect we earn and deserve every penny.
For all you young guys out there, don't let the boo-birds get you down. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and there are still some great jobs in this nutty industry that still beat real jobs hands down. If you were born to fly then you won't be happy doing anything else, and every downturn bottoms out and the boom times are just as cyclical. These clouds will part and there will be lots of jobs paying lots of money once again. Keep your family first, drive to work if at all possible, and remember that the career is a marathon and not a sprint and when faced with a choice of job security versus money, take the secure pick and in the long run the money will prove to be greater.

Last edited by Widow's Son; 05-05-2006 at 05:52 AM.
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