Thread: Amerijet

478driver , 08-03-2021 07:14 AM
New Hire
New Hire
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Quote: I'm concerned that perhaps you should remove your tinfoil hat before reading my posts. I know that conspiracy theories of all kinds abound in pilot lounges, but it's a big leap to try to turn a pretty-straightforward, fairly-innocuous post into some kind of devilish propoganda.

I've been around these forums a long time; nobody's "putting me up to" anything. You posted something, I thought it was interesting, and I responded with a post from my own perspective.

I think it's a little presumptuous for you to try to bully me into not speaking by saying that nobody cares what I think. I'm not so sure that that's true, and even if it is, it's kind of up to me to decide whether to post into a void where nobody cares what I say.

It seems like the only drama being created here is by you. Everybody else seems to ask questions, get a variety of answers, and make their own decisions.

Amerijet is in a state of flux. It will be an opportunity for some who want to take advantage of that, and it will be not a good fit for others, who apparently include you.

Good luck with your future career (seriously -- because I'm always civil to and hopeful for even folks who disagree with me).
Good fit for me? How many pilots do you know are pushing the door down in the hiring department for lack of hotels, lack of training scheduling, lack of catering, and all around support? Do you mean not a good fit for the 60 plus resignations in the past year as well? Pilots are concerned with QOL, the safety of their certificates, etc. etc. But hey guys, stop complaining 😂. I’m sure everyone is flocking to this thread for your “way outside look.” I’m not even sure what the point of your post was. But thanks for your civility, it’s refreshing. A lot of leaders here say “civil” things to those who don’t agree with them and then say what they really feel to other audiences and think those comments never make it back to the line pilots. Again, any one is more than invited to PM me if you would like a trufthful inside look, you may not like it, but it’s truth nonetheless.