Thread: Frontier and swa

WHACKMASTER , 08-16-2021 08:37 PM
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    DOWNGRADE COMPLETE: Thanks Gary. Thanks SWAPA.
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Quote: Interesting situation. I'm debating a similar move myself and would love some input and opinions. Currently at HAL for almost 4 years. It's a great company, I just really don't like living in Hawaii (high cost of living, island fever, bad schools, etc), especially being so far from family who live on the east coast. We are for sure moving to the mainland so I will be commuting to Hawaii going forward. I can pretty much get the schedule I want. Debating if its worth it to leave for SWA or another airline and not have to commute so far. Possibly even move to base depending on where I would get picked up and what bases they have. It is worth starting over somewhere else? Ideally we would end up on the east coast, but going west coast for now to make the commute not as horrendous.
How many years do you have left? Where in the HAL master seniority list do you stack up and where on the East Coast does your family live that you’d like to be closer to?