Thread: Prepare Yourselves... 2021 AEs

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notEnuf , 09-22-2021 04:10 PM
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Quote: We are talking past each other. I agree the company did it to benefit the company - my point is that it also benefits us. You keep referring to the 10AM start on day 1 but remember plenty of guys start SCs at all hours of the day.

You also say "yes they could do it on an individual basis..." Which in my experience was basically whenever they needed me in less than 12 hours. In LAX I would start a morning SC and be released to get 12 hours of rest prior to a red eye assignment. It happened quite a bit. Do you hear anyone pushing for a return to 12 hours? I don't.

Anyhow - we beat this to death. Can we at least agree that although the company did it to benefit themselves we also gain? A rare win-win?

We are on the same page. I am probably the outlier here. Those last 3 hours were useless and I knew it. Also the next day didn't shift by more than 2 hours normally. I do think BES played a huge role. For me it was a wash, but I recognize many pilots see it as a win.

This all started when it was used to describe a rare "good" given without regards for why. That's where my benevolence comment came from. They never have and never will give freebies, we are paying for it in increased productivity and usability. Herk made the comment "just to be nice" that could easily be miss read as goodwill on the part of the company and I felt it needed pushback. Enuf said.