Thread: Beautiful!!
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Old 10-14-2021, 10:06 PM
Joined APC: Jan 2021
Posts: 371

Originally Posted by av8or View Post
id like to require a fellow cockpit occupant that blocks potential egress because they couldn’t get their a$$ through the window in an emergency because they can’t quit shoving warm Alaska cookies in their pie hole to have to lose 50-100 lbs. Where’s THAT responsibility?

I’d like to see a POTUS that can barely form a sentence and raised a meth addicted, cocaine off a hookers a$$, millionaire off selling access to his daddy son get his own damn house in order before he lectures me on HIS patience running thin. Where’s his responsibility?

I’d like to see a pharmaceutical company that is making billions off their vaccine, that was funded and paid for by taxpayer dollars not be let off the hook for ANY short or long term effects shoulder some liability. Where’s THEIR responsibility?

Id like to see the company that is enforcing the mandate so they can continue continue to suck off the government contract teat, say, “tell ya what, you get the vaccine and if their are any short or long term side effects (loss of license, death, whatever) we got your back financially”…. Where’s THEIR responsibility?

You get on here and mouth off about responsibility when literally NO one else is responsible regarding the vaccine, it’s efficacy, or any potential downside except the person getting the jab. That’s so fn rich. Feel free to call the union or the company and step up to the plate…. tell them that you believe in the vax so much that, in the event there are negative side effects (now or in the future) for any pilot that gets the vax you’ll donate half your pay to help support them financially. Then you can pontificate about responsibility.

Same goes for you ShyGuy
All I see in this post is fear, bordering on panic.

So afraid, for no good reason.
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