Thread: Training Update
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Old 11-02-2021, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by V4LKYR1ExONE View Post
Yes, this makes sense in terms of logistics and seems to be what’s happening. GoJet lost a lot of LCAs when the new hiring wave began earlier this year. MGMT assures us they are doing what they can to resolve the issue.

Interestingly, we had someone very recently try to tell us they were interviewing pilots from other outfits and that this problem was everywhere, not just GoJet. A second person joined in to claim that someone they knew at Skywest was waiting for IOE and that it had been a month. From what I’ve heard, the wait at Skywest is only for a class date, so I’d be interested to know if there’s any truth to the rumor. For the record, I’m doubtful of this third party claim, at this point.

If anyone was following the previous topic re: landing currency issues, we got our answer from the IOE coordinator; pilots who have lost currency waiting on IOE are immediately ‘de-qualified’ for IOE and have to go back to SIM world to meet the requirements of 121.439. This will certainly be a huge wrench in the works for us. In case you don’t want to calculate this yourselves, I’ll summarize: FOs with just 30 days left on the initial consolidation timer now have to go back to training for at least a V1 cut (plus maybe a single engine landing?) ILS to mins with a landing, and a regular full stop landing. Must be signed off on those items to become eligible for IOE again, and then must complete IOE in time to get a check airman to approve the consolidation extension, which then allows 30 more days to get whatever is needed to meet the 100 hr req.
skywest has a 6 week wait for OE, They also have the longest wait for a class date and some of the lowest hiring numbers relative to their size.
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