Thread: Natural Immunity vs Vaccine:

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block30 , 12-22-2021 10:25 PM
Bracing for Fallacies
Bracing for Fallacies
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Quote: People tend to leave out important context when discussing or reporting on the differing hospitalization and death rates between vaxxed and unvaxxed people. We are usually just given a quick aggregate number: "Hospitalization rates for unvaccinated children are eleven times higher than for vaccinated children!"

Well that really sounds scary! But should it be so scary?

Hospitalization rates, per the CDC, for kids aged 12-17:
Vaccinated: 0.2/100,000
Unvaccinated: 2.2/100,000

Put in more digestible terms: Unvaccinated children have a 99.9978% chance of NOT being hospitalized.

Hospitalization and death from covid is highly skewed towards the elderly, obese, and immunocompromised, and that fact remains after vaccination as well. Reducing your odds of being in the hospital or dying is great, but this eagerness to scare people that EVERYONE is one sneeze away from deaths knell if they're unvaccinated is disingenuous and undermines people's ability to make better risk assessments for themselves and their families.
Excellent post...!