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Old 01-07-2022, 03:00 PM
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Joined APC: Oct 2019
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by 100percentshots View Post
I have read previously a cluster of different questions would be worded in various ways to ask the same thing - such as do you like skydiving / do you enjoy racing cars / are you a risk taker etc... all are about risk taking. So if i extremely like sky diving, should i extremely like race cars to be consistent in my answer? But what if i am absolutely not a risk taker yet i enjoy racing cars.... How do you be truthful without sounding inconsistent??
Yeah way overthinking this. It is, in fact, possible to want to race cars, but not like skydiving or not want to try it. Just because you like one kind of thrill, doesn't mean you like all of them. Just answer honestly- either you like skydiving or not. That's probably not the make or break question.
The truth is, I am an introvert, and I answered as such and still got past the Hogan just fine. You don't need to be extroverted, or be vanilla, or be whatever you think United wants, because I guarantee you don't know. The hogan was calibrated towards real people here that initially took it (and had nothing to lose). Just be yourself. I still would be the best version of yourself - no, you don't resent everybody and hate your parents, but do people occasionally **** you off? I mean hard to believe there's anybody out there that could truly answer no, and if you do, you're gonna trip it for dishonesty. Yes, we have all told a lie... don't overthink it.
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