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Old 01-09-2022, 06:49 AM
Castle Bravo
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Joined APC: Aug 2017
Posts: 157

Originally Posted by worstpilotever View Post
what freedoms are long gone?
Well...I live in the Free State of Texas where we still have our freedoms. But my oldest goes to college in New York. The school has Mandatory vax, mandatory boosters, or you will be expelled. Masks are mandatory, testing every week is mandatory, reporting your symptoms DAILY on an App is mandatory. Mandatory quarantine for 1 week after returning from Christmas break. COMPLY with all this or you will be expelled. If you pop positive, they immediately report you (by name) to the State of NY Health Dept (HIPA, anyone?) My child is a Senior so we are stuck in the Lunacy Loop up there for 5 more months in the land of Academia Idiots. NYC has mandatory mask and vax orders for businesses and restaurants. Michigan still has Lock Down orders in effect. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the 'Rona is not a threat...but so is the Flu, many thousands die from it each year, but the Flu Shot is still voluntary, isn't it?

Meanwhile, in Texas, life goes on. Get the vax if you want to. Wear a mask if you want to. Freedom to choose. Businesses are open and PROHIBITED from mandating masks...but you can wear one if you so desire.
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