Thread: jetBlue Hiring
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Old 01-26-2022, 09:23 AM
Gordie H
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Apr 2015
Posts: 534

Originally Posted by 814Pilot View Post
Still trying to understand this VDA thing… can someone explain how that works and how is it different than RSA?
​It’s a list you voluntarily sign up for on your days off and if you get called for a trip it pays 200%. It's typically very short call outs or calls at 11pm for a 5am show.

Basically when crew services has run out of all other options to fill a trip (reserves, emergency assignment, etc.), they’ll go to the VDA list and call pilots in order of seniority. The catch is if they call you AND you answer you're supposed to take the trip. You don’t have to answer the phone though (hence you won’t get the trip). There is lots of grey area with VDA but this is basically how it works.
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