Old 03-08-2008, 08:39 PM
VQ2 Spanky
Guppy Half-Wing FO
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Joined APC: Oct 2007
Position: 737 Right Seat
Posts: 142


Word to the wise. Found out from my local ESGR rep today during drill weekend that Companies are trying to find out if their employee, the service member, "Volunteered" to go.

I am currently working as an FTS/AGR (for you AF types) and am advising the troops to let their employers know that according to the Navy rules "we are all volunteers and can be involuntary mobilized at any time."

Employers are tired of operating at 70% strength but paying 100% medical and pay supplements for those that are gone. I feel their pain, as we, the reserves are feeling the pain of redeployments. Don't let your company you Volunteered to go. You might not be entitled your job back or be covered by USERRA. Anyone know differently or heard the same thing?

But the Chaplain has a case and that Hospital will be cutting a "please go away check"

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