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Old 05-18-2022, 06:40 AM
Furloughed Again?!
ZapBrannigan's Avatar
Joined APC: Aug 2007
Position: Boeing 737
Posts: 4,796

Originally Posted by JackStraw View Post
The lost decade gets hosed yet again. 7-8 total years of stagnant career progression only to be met with single pilot ops towards the end of their careers. This is a giant NO from me. If you’re 64 it’s time for you to retire and enjoy the rest of your life not boning everyone underneath you on the seniority list.
Absolutely. I’m already hearing, “but you’ll have an extra two years at the top of the pay scale” from the Captains. Sure… IF I don’t medical out by then. IF I don’t mind losing out on the time value of money between now and then. But heck… I’d like to be gone by 65, if not before, to enjoy my retirement before I’m too old to get around and do things!
Who wants to step out of the cockpit and into the casket?!

My career has been impacted by:
- Pay for training
- The introduction of regional jets (fewer mainline jobs)
- 9/11 and a half decade furlough
- Age 65 extending that furlough
- The 2008 recession
- The Max grounding
- The global pandemic
- and now age 68?!

Gimme a break. I know they say that timing is everything, but I was 25 when I was hired by my first major. How much better could my timing have been?! I would like to upgrade at my last major sometime before retirement…
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