Thread: new TA
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Old 06-28-2022, 05:54 AM
Occasional box hauler
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Originally Posted by Grease View Post
Are you thinking of applying there? What United pilots accept shouldn’t enter into your calculus at all.
Mediators look at what other pilots make in order to drive both sides towards an “industry standard” contract. So far United is the only other company to come to a TA and it raises rates to what our TA does, only faster. So the mediator would point at them, at FedEx making only $331/hr, and tell us that we are being unreasonable. Personally, I do think entering negotiations right after we have picketed in support of Teamsters would be a time of max leverage. However, the folks we chose to handle this say that wouldn’t play out the way I desire. My choices are to either believe the guys we chose to do this or reject their decision making process. If I do the latter, I should be advocating for a new EB. I’m not there yet.
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