Thread: Yes or No
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Old 07-05-2022, 03:37 PM
Steve Crewdog
Line Holder
Joined APC: Sep 2020
Posts: 62

Originally Posted by BobbyLeeSwagger View Post
What about the "end of the career" crowd? They get a say on a contract they will barely live under? But I have to live under? Large potential for a conflict of interest there, obviously.Or the shoulder shrugging "whatever, I'll vote yes or no" crowd?
A lot of us FOGs (funky old guys) are of the 1990s commuter era. Speaking just for myself, I CAN be bought, but it's going to take a hell of a lot more than this POS. And IF it gets rejected, the price for disrespecting me just went up. Way up.

I've spoken to a couple IP friends, they're furious at the Gives in this POS, and if they were counting on buying off the IPs, it backfired.
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