Thread: United Indefinitely Postponing Future Hiring

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scrapdog , 03-22-2008 10:20 AM
Smells like teen spirit
Smells like teen spirit
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Quote: Scrapdog, no mas. Yes, 31's young.
We all know how a staff job's viewed. I put that description in there - somewhat accurate of what I've been doing the last 3 yrs - because someone else complained that they had no idea of what my job was (the previous post function makes it very easy to figure out one's history. Yes, the comments about my powerpoints and blues were taken in the wrong context; my bad.

Just to throw a bit more Continental facts into the mix, here's an article from this last week (wasn't going to bother using it, but you seem to insist that CAL's gameplan is not going to change):

Can we please lay any further CAL discussions to rest? I had no intention of engaging on that topic; this thread was about UAL hiring on hold.
Yes we can - and thanks for the article. Interesting speculatory read!

Again, best of luck @ UAL!