Thread: QOL
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Old 08-29-2022, 08:31 AM
Perennial Reserve
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Originally Posted by V1Rotate View Post
I’ve got a decision to make; go to JetBlue or stay at my regional captain job. With my current job soon paying money that I won’t see again till I’m in the left seat at JetBlue, not to mention the prospect of having to move or commute, I’m not sure it’s a clear decision.

The one thing that may tip the scale in JetBlues favor could be quality of life; and by quality of life I largely mean number of days off per month. Next month I’m scheduled for just 11 at my regional job.

How many days off does a reserve at JetBlue get? A junior lineholder? Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence?
Another issue you may want to consider is the viability of the regional model. Regionals are starting to fail and yeah, right now their pilots are being scarfed up by other regionals - sometimes even with longevity (but not seniority) respected and Lord knows anyone wanting to be a DEC has their opportunities, but how long that’s sustainable is anyones guess. It may be a question of jumping in now while the movement is pretty good at the majors or being forced to jump in anyway later when - with a bevy of your regional brethren - a major regional goes under.
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