Thread: Prepare Yourselves… 2022 AEs

fishforfun , 09-13-2022 11:14 AM
Gets Weekends Off
Gets Weekends Off
  • Joined APC
    Aug 2011
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Quote: First off I like the PB days and reserve GS system as is…but…

If we did away with the PB days would the company just be able to get less volunteers for GS since reserves are much less likely to give up more days off? Where does the coverage go in that instance? Wouldn’t we see a lot more IA/OOBGS/GSWC if staffing didn’t improve? Just thinking about where they cover trips if PB days disappear for some reason. Is it possible it makes it even harder to cover down? Educate me on why that wouldn’t be the case, I’m just spitballing here
Haven’t done a GS in almost a year. I put in a blanket one for reserve this month. I wouldn’t have taken one but the PAYBACK days got me a weekend off. If it wasn’t for those PB days I wouldn’t even put a slip request in.