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Old 10-13-2022, 11:44 PM
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Originally Posted by hoya saxa View Post

Where do you fall out on Insler, Tony? Based on a couple of your posts, this one especially, one could infer you support his candidacy.

It wouldn't be fair for me to make a judgment because I don't have enough first-hand or reliable reports to make a judgment. I've heard or read a lot about him, both good and bad.

I do know from experience that it's possible for an MEC Chair acting in accordance with the wishes and direction of the MEC to "get the blame" for their direction while they slink away and dodge the blame. In other words, he can become the scapegoat for the decisions of the MEC which turn out to be very unpopular among the membership. I think there may be some of this dynamic at play here.

What rubs me the wrong way is when critics and opponents resort to childish name calling to further their cause. That diminishes their message. Combine that with the current popularity of cancel culture, attempting to drown out voices you don't agree with, and you create a scene that resembles a kindergarten class run amok. It's difficult to glean useful information from that.

Our MEC has been given the opportunity to listen to and speak to the candidates in a formal setting this week, and in prior weeks, and they'll have opportunities for informal conversations in the days to come. I don't think any of us sitting at our keyboards will have a better grasp of the actual facts or the personalities of the candidates than they will have. I suspect most of those conversations will be civil, but it wouldn't surprise me if hospitality suites become heated with juvenile antagonists complaining about "Toddlers." I'm all for listening to our kids, but there are some conversations best left to adults.

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