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Old 10-16-2022, 01:03 PM
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Joined APC: Jul 2022
Posts: 49

Originally Posted by ProfessionalSN View Post
XL new hire
Maybe my perspective is somewhere in the middle.
But, I didn't drink all the kool-aid.

Not sure what my biggest gripe is, but before coming here, I dread airlines at work, and now it's worse. I am getting better at becoming a vegetable/brainless, and it seems to make it go by faster. Mid-tour etc., legacy pilots, and FedEx do it too. With better accommodations sometimes, though. If it's not southwest, I'll change and wear comfy clothes, which helps.

I've had a "good enough for me" experience as a new hire on the XL. I think more people need better expectations. Or better informed before coming here.
I knew coming in, I would only make 7/7 base pay (maybe CC52 someday) and some soft money on the side if I'm lucky. And I was okay with that. Obviously, who doesn't want more money (for less work), The airlines would give the most money, but I've met a lot of guys who thought they would pull in 200k here because they read of all the extended days' paychecks and heavy FDP fleets. And maybe we were told inflated numbers at the expo and indoc, but when people talk like that, I typically ignore them because every job posting and HR rep does that in any career field. And I knew I wasn't going to work the CC76 and extend.
I haven't worked here during a downturn, so I have yet to see how bad it gets when they don't need us.
I have flown with some excellent captains, some weird, and some that just want to complain about the company or union but have found some common ground, and it hasn't been an issue.
Hopefully, not too long, they should have their alimony paid up and can finally retire and be happy.
Strat ops could use more employees but has helped with better airlines and rental cars overall.
Owners have been what I expected so far. Mostly happy, a few less happy. I try my best.
For now, I'm content here, working for my days off, taking advantage of some occasional decent overnights, and will enjoy my 30s.
I want the company to be around until I retire. Harmony with management is excellent, but they will take advantage if we don't stand up for ourselves. On the road for our individual needs and as a collective bargaining group. I prefer not to fly with people who write up airplanes because they're bitter; rather get the flights done and make as much money as possible for our work.

Pilots that came here in the late 90's when the airlines were hiring like crazy, and this place sucked, and other times like now when the airlines are hiring like crazy, you have to think something might be wrong with them.
Once you're here long enough, the golden handcuffs.
You were what 6 years old in the late 90’s? The only people getting hired then were space shuttle captains and all the military buds of buds. Then this small event called 911 happened. Ever hear of it? If you are in your 30’s and don’t want to be a part of the airline hiring happening now, I have to wonder if you are unable to be hired by them.
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