Thread: MEC chairman election

MJP27 , 11-22-2022 08:18 AM
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Quote: As usual, it’s Councils 1, 16, and 54 versus everyone who wants a contract.

The Council 66 chairman showed his true colors as a sore loser. It was bad enough that he scheduled something as important as a recall meeting after the December bids had closed, his hysterical email demonstrates why he isn’t qualified for the top job at the Delta MEC.

Council 1 trying to weigh in on another council’s business is just dandy, because everyone knows that air line pilots love carpetbaggers.
I don't know DH or TK, they weren't my reps. However, TK sending out that C66 update was just sour grapes and inappropriate in what hopefully is the final stages section 6 negotiations. He clearly doesn't have the temperament to MEC Chairman. I'm glad he wasn't elected.