Thread: Uniform survey

OOfff , 11-24-2022 07:24 AM
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Quote: When those same passengers go to Expedia to book their next itinerary and see another airline offering a lower fare or more direct routing, how many of them are going to say “I’ll pay more for Delta and give myself a connection in ATL because I liked Trip7’s uniform!”

Our C-suite and VP of Marketing aren’t losing any sleep over us not wearing hats. Flight Ops leadership (particularly PB) are the only ones showing frustration over it, because “that’s the way we’ve always done it here”. It truly doesn’t matter to our bottom line.

It’s simply another example of Delta being behind the times. With new Flight Ops leadership, we’ll eventually catch up with the rest of the industry and adopt an optional hat policy. The great thing about “optional” is that you can still strut around the concourse with your hat on and seek compliments if you’d like.
loyal fliers drive a lot more of our revenue than Expedia. And for that, even an unconsciously valuable brand is pretty important.