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Old 04-03-2008, 09:46 AM
Gets Weekends Off
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Originally Posted by BoredwLife View Post
YES IT IS A MANAGMENT ISSUE!!! You think all of a sudden the managment wil go "OHHHH Sorry we didnt realize that we were doing bad things..."

No Im sorry but people CHOOSE to work for this airline and I have no sympathy if they lose thier jobs and struggle. Companies like MESA deserve it, not companies like ALOHA. People that get a job working for an airline like this enable it to continue to do what it does.

No airline is perfect but I cannot think of another one with such a total disregard for ethics.
Well, apparently you are more than just "Bored with life," I think you have hostility issues. Yes, what happened to Aloha is tragic and Mesa's Mgmnt played a huge part in their demise but to call for Mesa's employee’s blood is uncalled for. Not one pilot or dispatcher could stop Orenstein from doing what he did and is going to do. Yes they could have refused but why would they. Did they have firsthand knowledge of Orenstein’s dirty tactics and did those pilots go out there with the intentions of destroying other pilots/families lives? No, they went just as XJT pilots moved over to their branded flying (Yes don’t be an idiot; I know the differences between the two Mgmnt teams). Mesa’s pilots mean no ill will, only their leader did and not one of them knew of this intent except him and his counter parts.

People look for the best in everything; from companies to relationships, we all hope that time will change them for the better. Unfortunately we more often than not lose when we play with fire.

I think you need to relax and understand that it's not the employees, its Orenstein. If you want blood then call for his but not Mesa's employees.
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