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Old 04-03-2008, 09:48 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Aug 2007
Posts: 37

CS Management? CS = SC Backwards? Fellas, you're paranoid...but seriously - feel free to express your opinion on here.

SC means "SevereClear" - my avatar. I guess I coulda done CAVU, but I wanted my name to rhyme. Call me crazy...

I was simply suggesting that Chris look into the 121 world due to his seemingly pro-union demeanor. It wasn't a knock on his person or was simply a suggestion.

I don't really care about "all positives." Do I think ALL pilots EVERYWHERE complain a bit too much? Yes. Do I think they are wrong for doing so? No. That's simple first amendment rights. For ya'll to assume that someone with a slightly different opinion on things is automatically CS management - or management ANYWHERE - is ludacris. Not everyone is out to get you guys...I'm sure that management has bigger fish to fry.

If ya'll want the truth, I am a pilot. I fly for an organization that will not be mentioned on here because I really don't think it matters. Bottom line is that we all fly planes - therein lies the commanality that we all share on this forum. I've paid my dues, etc. just like you guys have. What we need to all realize is that no matter where we are in the flying world, the grass is always greener on the other side. And it will be the same way when you get to the other side again.

Chris - I never said that you were lying about a contract. NEVER. You make it seem as though I was trying to turn your words into some farse. There's always a possibility of a contract everywhere. It's simple Labor Relations issues. I agree that you and others are providing an "insider's view" on goings-on within certain companies. Not a problem at all. Press on.

Knock the crap out of the company you work for or praise them to High Heaven. Either way - that's the beauty of this forum. Just because someone has a differing view doesn't mean that I'm "flaming" someone. I'm expressing opinion...just like you folks do.

With that being said - I apologize if it sounded like I was ripping on you, Chris. Wasn't my intention as I hope that you now know.

Bill - I don't really know what to tell ya...think what you will. There's probably no way of convincing you otherwise. If there is, let me know.

The fact that you guys got so upset over something so menial is a bit disturbing, though.

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