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Old 02-04-2023, 05:16 AM
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
Margaritaville's Avatar
Joined APC: Oct 2020
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Originally Posted by PinaColadaBerg View Post
There’s so much truth about our worthless union leadership and structure here that it hurts. We pay way too much to have to tolerate a leader with a Napoleon complex, those that blindly worship and follow are damn fools! We deserve someone with real leadership ability that can speak respectfully and honestly to us. **SPOILER ALERT** our union leadership is the main reason why a lot of guys are leaving. I don’t blame them either, we get dumped on and disrespected by the company then our ‘protectors and defenders’ lack the sophistication and skill to manage the situation and answer back effectively.
Nice first post. Obviously a regular here creating another troll account. Is this place no longer moderated?

I agree with your comments about AR and he obviously has a Napoleon complex. Everyone who isn't him or one of his Cappos knows that. He thinks he's a mafia boss and he runs it like a syndicate. He has a symbiotic relationship with management. He and his personal wealth feed on anger and dissent, and he has a huge financial motivation to drag everything out as long as possible and keep the grievance machine running.

But that's not why people are leaving. As KC135 said, people are leaving because the dam finally broke in legacy hiring and anyone who wants to grab the brass ring can. At some point, you do the math and realize that turning down a million bucks or more for "being home every night" is an incredibly stupid proposition. Delta has 767 captains with less than a year at the company. United can put in for upgrade and get it at a year and a day. AA is still about 3 years for 320/737 and dropping, but you'll move up in seniority a lot faster to make up for it. The difference between a legacy CA and a G4 CA in pay, benefits, and retirement are astounding. Literally $100,000 a year. If you have even 10 years left, thats a million bucks.

Would you really pay a million dollars to be home every night?
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