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Old 02-21-2023, 12:19 PM
On Reserve
Joined APC: Feb 2023
Posts: 14

I signed my CJO on 19 DEC 2022 but had to wait to get my Passport back from lost/renewal status (State Department Bureaucracy they were in no hurry over the holidays, finally showed up), updated airline apps today with new passport and medical. I have to email back the recruiter to see if the offer still stands, (they said it did) and decide if this is really the route to go... (back to 121 ops from 135 FW EMS 5 minutes from my door)

I know it's a 90-ish day training footprint.

For the "Logbook review" is it a one day down to DFW and meet you, actually look at log books type interview ?

Where do they house you guys in DFW ? I just got back from FSI recurrent there and saw a lot of red lanyards at our crew hotel (Hilton Garden South-DFW)

I'm assuming that the training department requires line observation ride on whatever equipment you get bid/Jr'd into, how many legs ? (I've done and always hauled people jumpseating their obs rides to and from home on weekends at my previous 121).
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