Thread: Few questions
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Old 03-31-2023, 10:56 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Nov 2019
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by Grumpyaviator View Post
I agree, and even without overlap you can still maximize vacation. However, the point is moot at SWA.

I had a great experience with PBS as both senior and junior and even on reserve. But I would not vote yes for PBS at SWA because I don’t trust the union to negotiate and enforce the rules necessary for it to be beneficial, and will never trust the company to run it well.

PS. To say PBS only benefits the senior is laughable. Vacation bidding, ELITT and OT benefit relatively few at SWA. When the lower half of the SL (or even higher) have success it’s an outlier.
Yup, and the reality is our pilot group's lack of experience with PBS will result in growing pains. Hitting a home run right away with this transition is unlikely, and would probably entail multiple contract cycles to get right. The never PBSers will come on here and tell us I told you so.

In regards to why Delta didnt priortize going back to line bidding, it's probably because they have and are continuing to work out all the issues with PBS over many contracts including the very last one. The system itself isn't the problem. It's how you use it. Knowledge is key.
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