Thread: Mesa 5.0 Whats the latest

BusBoe , 06-10-2023 07:53 AM
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Quote: Have an upcoming PC Sim or proficiency checkride coming up at the end of the month for recurrent. Generally how does the PC sim go? I have heard you get three chances to make a mistake before the checkride is over is that true? Training only gave me a UPRT sim before the PC sim so I’m expecting to go in pretty cold for the checkride. Any input would be much appreciated. I’m an FO on the CRJ. Thanks
Yes you are allowed a mistake. Then the sim is paused and you are trained to proficiency however long it takes, then get a second shot at it. Yes it's a three strike rule.

Yes it's just 1 day travel to PHX, 2 days ground, 1 day UPRT, 1 day PC check and Oral, and then 1 day travel back home. No warm up Sims. No mock oral.