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I dont remember, maybe a month wait for IOE... but that was like over a year back. Maybe things changed.
And no, as a new hire, you will absolutely not fly. You will get your first 100 hours fast because of consolidation. But, after that, it will slow to a snail's pace.
You will sit airport ready reserve 5-6 days in the week back to back, 8-10 hours a day. You might go a month without flying at all. You might go a month flying a whopping 3 hours.
Once you hold a line, you will fly 80-100 hours a month. However, that will take a year or longer. We have people on property for a year now who dont hold lines yet. As more FO's upgrade, this time will be shorter.
At the same time, we have people who are going to Spirit, Frontier, Jetblue, ACMI right out of IOE.
If you want to be patient, it will pay off and you will fly a sh1t ton and make good money. If you dont have the patience, you can delay your flying and time building by 3-4 months, learn a whole new jet, take a whole new checkride and oral, wait for ioe all over again, take a big first-year pay cut, and be thrown to the bottom of the seniority list again at a new airline.
Seriously? They are on property for only a few months.........and then bailing?