Thread: Hiring / training

Im your PAPI , 07-11-2023 09:37 PM
Line Holder
Im your PAPI
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  • Joined APC
    Jan 2022
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Quote: Technically if you are in the Cadet Program coming from a part 61 background (and possible others?) you also are sent to ATP Jets In Dallas for 3 weeks before even seeing the Rocky Mountains.
Week 1: ATPCTP
Week 2: Airbus A320 Type Rating (This is where you will take your ATP Oral, Practical, and Type Rating all in one)
Week 3: Frontier Direct (This is where you learn some of the Company Flows and familiarization. These flows will be sharped and honed once you get to Denver after that)

Thank you for the detailed response. Sorry I did not see it earlier (forum acts weird on mobile)