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Old 07-25-2023, 02:28 PM
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Posts: 11

Originally Posted by DashAviator View Post
As an experienced pilot, I would never claim that seniority is not important. However, experience has taught me that you may NOT have as much control over your career as you think you do. My own career has been disrupted by 9/11, several recessions, SARS, Covid-19, and business decisions by upper-level managers that have never touched an airplane. You have to make the best decisions that you can with the information that you have available at the time. I was only (respectfully) suggesting that IF you want to become a pilot, then LEARNING to be a pilot needs to be your first priority.

It sounds like you've already made your decision to go to an accelerated program. Nothing wrong with that. However, I'd strongly recommend that you get your Private Pilot certificate before you commit to a full-on professional pilot program. If you don't like the school, then it's easy to switch. You also mentioned that you live close to a couple of military bases. Have you checked to see if they have a military flying club that you could join? I belonged to one such club for several years (and I wasn't even in the military, just a contractor). The club was pretty heavily regulated, but it was very inexpensive and they had some fantastic instructors.

Good luck!

Thank you for that! Yes, I am about 30/35 hours into PPL now and will complete it prior to any accelerated program. And I do realize that the career might have me move around, but moving for paying jobs is different than moving my family and kids for a school that will last less than one year, only to know that we are moving again.

I have an appointment with the part 141 program in the area and am really hoping that they are a viable option. Best case scenario is that they have seemed flaky to me as a prospective client because they are bending over backwards for their actual paying clients. (a long-shot, I know)

I agree that learning to be a pilot is not a step in the process to be taken lightly. If I felt that the training at the accelerated program was sub-standard, I would definitely stay away. It doesn't seem that anyone has any experience with that school thus far.
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