Thread: "Trafficking" lawsuit against SWA

WHACKMASTER , 08-08-2023 05:36 PM
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    DOWNGRADE COMPLETE: Thanks Gary. Thanks SWAPA.
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Quote: My kids are minorities and there have been times when I was worried about being scrutinized for trafficking, such as flying out of Africa or SA.

But the fact is there are 30+million slaves in the world today and trafficking is epidemic.

How do you draw the line between concern and ignoring a potential danger with little info. It seems to me they were inconvenienced and probably a little scared by the interview, but there is no indication they were harassed or threatened.

Before the race card is played, I don’t think we don’t know the race of the FA and people here, who are likely white and never had to face these issues are making judgments. This was likely a FA who was genuinely concerned and wanted to be sure.

My suspicion is this woman could be gold-digging.
What?! Women would never gold-dig!!!
