Thread: "Trafficking" lawsuit against SWA

OpieTaylor , 08-09-2023 07:38 AM
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Quote: The metric that was met was was that the FA decided that the daughter didn't belong to the mother because of a difference in skin color. How many captains are there out there that just take what the FA says at face value and don't ask questions before sending off the ACARS message, especially if the FA is being overly dramatic, as I'm sure this one was? The lawsuit also claims that the police told her that the reason they were called was based on how the mother and daughter looked. This is one of the few allegations of racial prejudice/profiling that actually has merit. Southwest is going to pay up on this one, as they should.

I remember there was a similar incident a little while back (maybe around the same time), at AA where an FA called the police on a Asian/Caucasian couple because they didn't look like they should be together. I can't find the article now, but I remember reading that AA's training on human trafficking mentioned racial differences in people travelling together as a sign of human trafficking. I'm sure all these corporations copy-paste the same BS training on this kind of non-sense, so this FA was probably taught the same thing.

It's really quite ironic. After donating to rioters that destroyed cities in 2020 in the name of 'social justice', the same corporations are now teaching their employees that people with different skin tones shouldn't be together. Just when you think we've reached peak clown world, corporate America manages to set a new standard.

Why are you saying this? They could have two different last names, the kid could have said how old she was and it didn’t match the paper work, kid could have not even known where they were flying to or why or even their own last name. Are you so dumb to think they didn’t make polite conversation and just went straight with biracial children don’t exist in the most diverse country in the world?

If you have ever seen any real human trafficking you wouldn’t be so ready to thump your chest and would be willing to falsely accuse 10 innocents to catch one guilty.

How can you life be ruined by answering a few law enforcement questions at the gate when you land. They don’t just show up and cuff and stuff you like a level 4 threat.

The mother answered questions and is offended on principle, she has no legal damages, and needs to be shown actual footage of human trafficking so she will feel so embarrassed and withdraw her lawsuit with actual dignity.