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Old 04-20-2008, 07:41 AM
Phantom Flyer
Snakes & Nape
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Joined APC: Nov 2006
Position: B-767 Captain
Posts: 775
Wink Great Kool-Aid

It always amazed me that whenever a new MEC Chairman was elected, there was the inevitable sabre rattling, the tough talk and the commitment that "I'm going to the Board and demand a ____% payraise for you all, new duty, increased per diem rates rigs, yada, yada, yada and they can't shove us around. We'll show 'em"

After a few Board meetings, a lot of company kool-aid, a few fancy dinners, cigars and "wine and dine affairs", the new Board member (MEC Chairman) would come running back to the MEC with his tail tucked between his legs and whimper "Gosh folks, the company really is in trouble. We have to give them a 10% pay and benefit concession or else". I saw it too many times. Must have been powerful kool-aid !!

Anyone on this forum old enough to remember Captain Dennis Higgins at Continental ?? There was a union pilot !!

G'Day Mates
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