Thread: NWA Code A Phone

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Carl Spackler , 04-21-2008 03:34 PM
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Carl Spackler
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Quote: Carl, reread my post. No spin there. With the current situation, arbitration, at some point, is mandatory. What choice does DALPA have, but to say they're okay with it?

If anything, I took a pot shot at my MEC.

The reason it is spin is because what you've just posted was not the question. The question was: "is DALPA for arbitration post LOA." The question was never whether DALPA thought at some point arbitration would become mandatory, or whether DALPA has no other choice but to say they're OK with it. The DALPA letter states their current position as one that wants to get an SLI and that arbitration can play a role. That position is totally different from the pre-LOA position of DALPA calling arbitration a non-starter. Non-starter means: "forget it...ain't gonna happen...if this is what you want, this is going nowhere."

That's why it's spin. But that's OK, I'm just glad our guys didn't lie.
