Thread: Let Experienced Pilots Fly Act (Age 67)

rickair7777's Avatar
rickair7777 , 10-14-2023 07:21 AM
Prime Minister/Moderator
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Quote: news flash but zero, none, no, nada talk about "Age 67" since we went into Continuing Resolution mode. Add the middle east crisis in the mix, and this is unlikely a priority on the front burner of Congress. Presidential elections soon to follow.

it was fun to talk about while it lasted.

Current CR:

Expires Nov 17, 2023
You keep saying that. When age 67 was a standalone bill out of left field, it's odds of going anywhere was near zilch. As expected, it stalled and died on the vine.

The continuing resolution language has nothing to do with age 67 either way. The only impact is delaying the urgency of needing to pass a long-term FAA re-authorization.

Age 67 was pretty well baked into the FAA re-authorization process. That process is suspended because like you say they have a CR to tide them over for a few weeks and now another war to consider. But it's not dead, it's just in a holding pattern.

The FAA bill *will* need to be addressed sooner rather than later, for a multitude of reasons unrelated to age 67, which is just along for the ride in that process. The FAA bill will be passed, and age 67 is in a good place to be included. I'm not going to guess specific odds, but let's say better than 50/50. It's in the package and will probably stay there unless somebody makes an effort to get it out (somebody who matters).

At this point IMO the unions need to get onboard so they have a say in the details, such as 65+ pilots returning and reclaiming seniority, and how international ops will be dealt with. With a few simple sentences the law could ensure that most legcay WB pilots simply choose to retire as originally scheduled (rather than go to Guppy class), and the regionals and some third tier airlines who really are in deep staffing doo-doo get to keep pilots they need very badly. It is not bad for most of us if senior regional lifers get to stay, our business models currently rely on that, and frankly I'd rather the regional lifers train the CFI's on 121 *before* sending them to us.

And yes, anyone with a big birthday this year should be shopping for new golf clubs, they're going to need them.