Thread: Wilson Says - FDX ALPA New Regime meets NMB

FreightFlyer91 , 10-21-2023 10:30 AM
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Quote: I am amazed at how new hires think that older pilots had their chance on past contracts to raise their retirement and didn’t. They we don’t deserve a bump in retirement now and how we just need to retire and get out of their seats.

We had the opportunity for sure, we didn’t take it because it would have been at the expense of future new hires post 2015. The company would probably have given us a bump $200,000 a year if we had agreed for any future new hires to not have tge a plan and given them some paltry 15% total bump in the bfund. We didn’t we looked out for future new hires.

I can’t figure out why so many think things suck so bad and that it is all the senior pilots fault. Sure seamed like most of the new hires thought what we had was good enough to come here. I think most just have p___s envoy because of their buds bragging about their contract.

Things will get better here. There will be another black swan event for the pax carriers. How will they look then? Probably can blame it on their senior pilots.
Time to retire. “Seamed” lol.