Thread: The glory days are over

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RedeyeAV8r , 06-03-2006 08:42 PM
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Quote: Right on man !!! Who really is the scab these days?
Nothing has Changed about the definition of a SCAB.

A Scab is one who crosses a picket line to take the strikers job..usually at a much lower wage.

In the pilot profession, there are some who are "independant contractors" who don't tow the Union party line during negiotiations. They continue to give the company 150% by flying Extra, Selling back Vacation while the union is in contentious negotiations.........even when MGT is balking at the table.

These guys can be called many things........One Ways, Flight Wh*r*s, Buddy F##ks.......but they are not SCABS..........unless they cross the Picket line.