Thread: Sheble vs American Flyers for CFI

jpilot1968 , 04-25-2008 12:21 PM
New Hire
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Last year, I called Sheble and spoke to Valerie to set up a schedule for me to fly out there and finish up an instrument, commercial and multi-engine add on. I took one week off from my job and I finished with all of my ratings in seven days. I paid for each rating after I completed it. It's a small school, but they were very nice and the training was pretty good. If you go, save some money and ask about staying in one of their condos. Some of the guys that I was schooling with stayed in the condos while I had a room at the Quality Inn. I wish now that I had stayed at the condo (cheaper and nicer). Great weather in Kingman. A little windy and turbulent in the afternoons though. Good luck to you.