Thread: Working at JB
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Old 01-13-2024, 03:41 PM
off weekends (if Reserve)
Joined APC: May 2023
Posts: 292

Originally Posted by aviatrixag View Post
I don't think I'm going from regional FO to a legacy without leaving for a LCC/ULCC first. Commuting to a LCC is just a means to an end for me, I'm not going to be a commuting lifer.
Aaaah the true strategy is revealed. Interviews at JetBlue want you to be honest......however I wouldn't be that Honest as you are above. Also most interviewers at JetBlue don't like it when you refer to them as an LCC (regardless of what the wider industry refers to it as). You are already going to look suspicious with your Houston address. Best of luck to you. As far as your commuting to JFK question......people do it........but I'd think it be easier with somebody closer to IAH......just my 1.65 🇮🇳 rupees.

Originally Posted by Roy Biggins View Post
Forced into an upgrade? Is that a thing? Why wouldn’t you want to upgrade? Become a Captain at your regional. Get some 121 PIC experience. All your future legacy/major Captains will appreciate it. Separate yourself from all the 20 something year old legacy FO’s that really don’t know what they’re doing.
Speak your mind Biggins......I think however this is an example of path of least resistance. Limit the exposure to jeapordy events, lotta regionals are still not AQP. I'm with you, I have much more admiration for the person who takes on the PIC, learns and develops........course I'm just thinking back to when I played in the regional leagues...when upgrade was 8 years and most LLC's required or strongly preferred it.
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