Thread: Gain of function experiments

rickair7777's Avatar
rickair7777 , 01-19-2024 06:38 AM
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Quote: IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT - I can certainly see the advantages (Hell, the NECESSITY) of such precautions. I still haven't understood the putative advantages of doing it at all though, unless you are searching for a biowarfare capability. Which I sort of thought we renounced with the Biological Weapons Convention.
In theory, the *potential* benefit is to make it easy to observe the behavior of the pathogen, and develop medical interventions. Amplification of signal basically.

I don't have any sense of how much benefit vs. the risk, ie does it just make the research easier (cheaper & faster), or are there some things which simply cannot be observed at normal levels of function?

Faster research results *might* be a good excuse for GoF, if you're in a situation where you're trying to get ahead of something which just reared it's ugly head in the wet markets.