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Old 01-24-2024, 07:43 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Apr 2016
Posts: 272

Originally Posted by Turbosina View Post
This is fantastic info, I'm really grateful for your having taken the time to write this.

2 more noob questions:

1) You mentioned that people get used a lot on reserve, but you also mentioned you only flew 66 hours in 10 months. If I flew that little my wife would kick me out of the house and tell me to go do something with my life So my question is: are people really flying that little on reserve? Or were you flying so little because you're senior in seat and bidding reserve, thereby escaping most of the reserve callouts?

2) You mentioned an assignment window of 1200-1400. At SKW, you're notifiable either 0400-1600 (AM SC reserve), or 0900-2100 (PM SC reserve) with a 10-minute callback. Plus you're notifiable 24/7 if on long call with a 1-hr callback. This basically means you're absolutely tethered to your phone for 12 hours a day (short call) or 24 hrs/day (long call.) Can you explain a bit more about the 'assignment window'? Is that just when trips are pulled out of OT and assigned to reserves, or...I guess I'm just trying to understand, on a reserve day (under the new contract), how many hours in a day you are on the hook for that callback.

Thank you so much for all this helpful info!
No problem! I'm going to answer the two follow-up questions in the opposite order just to clarify.

2) We always start out on long call, which is a 24/7 phone contactable status. If you get an assignment (including to short call), you're released into rest and are not phone contactable until that assignment starts. For example, at 11 AM yesterday I was on long call and picked up a short call starting at 6 PM tonight. For the 31 hours in between, I'm released and have no obligation to scheduling whatsoever (other than being rested at the start of my SC). Our SCs are generally 14 hours long and, of course, you're phone contactable anywhere in that 14 hour window. Once off SC (or a trip), you're right back on long call and are contactable again. And as previously mentioned, we don't have a defined callback time, but I personally wouldn't push it beyond 15-20 minutes or so. You're spot on regarding that assignment window meaning - it's just the period where scheduling assigns any trips and/or SCs for the following day that haven't been picked up and are still in open time. Currently that's 1300-1500 base time, transitioning to 1200-1400 this August.

1) Totally get it, my wife's definitely sick of me! I think this is a combination of a few factors, but let me throw out one caveat first: I've been here less than 2 years, have only seen 1 category (NB FO at 1 base), and don't have much to compare my experience to. That said, here are some factors to think about:

- General reserve utilization: The data that UAL ALPA puts out says that most reserves get used way more than I do. Without looking it up, I want to say the average is around 30-40 hours a month. NB utilization is generally higher than WB, and CA is generally higher than FO (I think that's because they intentionally staff the left seat a little thinner since they're more expensive and/or because we still have NB CA vacancies that are unfilled). Even looking around my category, I think that's a reasonable average/expectation, especially given that some people seem to want to go fly and will pick up work when they can.

- Relative seniority: Our assignments to reserves are given out in SILO/FIFO order, meaning first-in-first-out within your given bucket of remaining days of availability. We don't have any sort of seniority bypass that forces all the assignments to the more junior reserves. That said, relative seniority can be used to pick up more desirable assignments, including SCs. People that live locally will often pick up a SC just to reset themselves to the bottom of the list, especially now that every unused SC pays (at least) an hour. About 90% of my SCs have gone unused, so picking them up is a win-win-win for me: I dodge any crappy 3-4 day trips in OT, usually get left alone at home, and get paid a little extra for doing it. On top of that, covering the SCs as a local means the commuters often only have to come in to cover the trips in OT rather than going back and forth for reserve, so it's a nice kind of symbiotic relationship. When I do get called in off SC, it's typically just to cover one or two legs to the next hub, often with a deadhead home, rather than an entire 6-9 leg trip, which is why I haven't flown longer than a 2-day trip since July. In an average month, I'll pick around 10 SCs, get called once, fly maybe two legs, and get one landing. Oh, and one other benefit of relative seniority that's worth mentioning as a piece of this puzzle: I bid weekends off, and I'd say about 95% of our trips in OT touch at least one weekend day, meaning I don't have to worry about them at all. Lineholders scoop up all the weekday flying, so there's very little given out to long call guys mid-week, at least during most months of the year.

- Living in base makes all the difference in the world. If I had to commute, I'd still just bid a line 100% of the time.

- Some of this is probably just luck too.

With it being this slow, I have thought about bidding a line recently just to get out of the house, but the wife wanted to take a trip next month, so I bid reserve again so I could get 10 days off in a row... not sure I could pull that off as a lineholder. Hope that helps.
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