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Old 01-31-2024, 06:32 AM
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Joined APC: May 2017
Posts: 53

Originally Posted by PSU Flyer View Post
Did I miss the part where the judge denied the merger because the price was too high? How is changing the terms (price) of the deal going to change the DOJ’s stance or the judge’s ruling?

THIS right here!! What is everyone even talking about? The media and the market is acting like there’s a reasonable chance this merger still goes through. How stupid do you need to be to actually invest money in Spirit based on the merger going through. Every time the appeal is mentioned (will/wont happen, expedited) Spirit’s stock moves. The deal is DOA, DONE, OVER. I think the judge is wrong, but that’s beside the point. Everyone needs to move on, this appeal is procedural at best.
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