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Old 05-01-2008, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by gushubble View Post
I had to read all the way through the thread to see if someone else had responded, I'm glad I did cause you hit the nail on the head!

Any Capt who takes his FO for granted is asking for trouble. As a Capt it is your opportunity to mentor your FO, and show them exactly how CRM is supposed to work. Most FO's work their tails off and the good Captains are the ones who not only acknowlegde it, but give back when possible. With all the pipelines to the majors, you never know the background and experience your Capt or FO is brining to the table.

If you're feeling "invisible" right now or when you were a FO, I hope you remember that when you're flying in left seat so you don't treat your FOs the way you hated being treated. Regardless, good luck to you!
I spent my time as an FO and I will never forget it. As am employer now I don't take anyone for granted and always try to show respect for everyone.

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