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Ah but here's the problem w/ your comparison. Women are born women (not trying to get into a gender debate). F9 CHOSE their model. No one made them operate in a ULCC fashion. If they wanted, they could change models and be full service, charge more per ticket and pay more. Because they don't is not the employee's fault (or even choice).
Revenue is independent of cost. The company can make changes that will increase (or decrease reveune). If we had twice the planes and pilots, we'd have twice the revenue. The only way to get that size is to increase pay to compete.
I think the ULCC business model will definitely have to change to survive. The legacies changed to compensate for the loss of some of their traditional high dollar business travel and aggressively go after leisure travel, including offering cheap seats to compete with ULCC's. My hope is that you guys can get a good deal and force them to adapt. Going to be a fight though and contract negotiations always suck.